Special Offer for Escape Your Clutter Prison TeleSummit Participants!

Welcome! Thank you so much for listening in to my presentation as part of the Escape Your Clutter Prison TeleSummit.

As you know, from either attending live or listening to the recording, I made a special offer for all TeleSummit participants during the live call.

Conscious Order: Clear Your Mind,
Leave Clutter Behind!

Drowning in clutter? Can’t find things? Paperwork out of control? Stuck? Overwhelmed? Frustrated? Afraid to let go because you might “need it someday?” Beating yourself up? Don’t know where to begin?

You have the power within you to get and stay organized.

In this book, veteran professional organizer, Annie Rohrbach shows you how to use the power of your thoughts, words, intentions, and imagination to create the order you desire. With a light touch, she helps you learn to trust your own instincts and make decisions more easily, as you release your clutter and create the beautiful spaces you long for.

Purchase the book on this special offer page and you’ll also receive a very special audio program – a guided visualization – that is not available anywhere else on my website.

Here’s how you can receive your bonus audio:

  1. Click here to purchase the book on Amazon.com
  2. Once you’ve purchased the book, click here and enter your name, e-mail address and receipt number from your Amazon order
  3. We’ll follow-up with you in 24-48 hours with your guided visualization audio link